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Fitness for Brain & Body
@ McLean sport&health
Spring Special
$40/mo.... That's just $3 per class!!!
Register now!
Register now for Power Braining and get classes for just $40/month
through all of 2018.
Plus FREE trial class. Just drop in cand check it out!
Class Details:
Location: McLean sport&health
Days/Times: MWF 12-1pm
To register go to the Front Desk of McLean Sport and Health, ask for Bill Mak and fill out their registration form or call Connie at 703-407-1395 for assistance.
(You do not need to be a member of sport&health to take the classes)
Have questions? Contact Mike Harrigan at 888-616-3730, or email at
FINALLY... a fitness class that works the BRAIN and the BODY!
POWER BRAINing is a unique program which targets performance of both the brain and the body.
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