Due to overwhelming demand...
at McLean Sport&Health
Register NOW and Save Over 50%!
To register, call (703) 556-6550 and ask for Bill Mak, or visit the front desk @ Mclean Sport&Health
(You do not need to be a member of Sport&Health to take the classes)
POWER BRAINING™ is a one-of-a-kind, group fitness class specifically designed to enhance both brain health and function, as well as physical performance. POWER BRAINING™ targets such skills as memory, focus, creativity, stress management, breathing control and processing speed, while improving your physical strength, reaction time, balance, motor skills, heart health, dexterity and more.*
Class Time: Noon until 12:55
Class Days: Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays (starting Jan 8, 2018)
Class Location: McLean Sport&Health 1800 Old Meadow Dr McLean, VA
What To Wear: Soft-sole shoes and comfortable workout clothing
Registration: Register at McLean Sport&Health front desk, or call 703-556-6550 (ask for Bill Mak)
$60/mth: for members of McLean Sport&Health
$90/mth: for non-members (Special deal: Pay just $40/mth if you join Sport&Health when you register for class)
* Note: Prices above listed prices are special for Sport&Health. Price of this program is normally $195/mth
To get on the email list for info, click here.
Questions? Contact Mike H at 888-616-3730, or email at BrainingCenter@HeadStrong1.com
*Results will vary for each individual. For best results, training should be combined with a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition and sleep. The Braining Center is not a medical provider. We provide educational and fitness services. We do not diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any medical condition.

Fitness for Brain & Body